Make sense of your stress… the time is now.

Break out of the stress cycle so you can start living your best life.

My approach is 100% focused on YOU

Understanding the practical side of things and the science behind how we work as human beings helps you to understand that you have full power and ability to create strength, resilience, and joy in your life.

YOU have everything you need inside you

My job is to support you, guide you, and give you the information to use. YOU get to decide how you want to live. Your thoughts and beliefs create the lens through which you create your life.

Are YOU ready to change your life?

My mission is to share the tools and knowledge with women like you to hold space for you to empower yourself to take control of your mind, body, and life. When you understand the power you have within yourself to create change you will be unstoppable. The thing that holds us back is not who we are but who we think we’re not.

Using science backed stress and anxiety interventions to help you learn to build a better relationship with your brain, body and the daily stress you face so you can get out of survival mode and into living your best life.

Step one: Learn how your stress response and the mind-body connection work through mind-body education trainings

Step two: Build the toolkit to manage immediate stress and anxiety through the power of neuroplasticity using breathwork, vagal toning, somatic exercises, and subjective reflection tools to guide new patterns in your stress response.

Step three: Renew and Revise - integrate and revisit all of these steps to prevent future stress overflow